You always wanted to take a trip out to Europe but you feel like it would be to expensive and too difficult to be carrying around your luggage or even how to get around. Well I'm telling you now its not that hard, traveling around Europe is probably one of the easiest and best experience you'll ever have.
You might be intimidated about going to a foreign country not knowing the language or heck your mobile phone working. I tell you what, don't worry about it because you would have been prepared before you left your home.
First of all there's always free WiFi out there, weather it be at the pub or at your hotel room, second before you leave screen shot the map directions and train route that your going to take, and third check the airport website of where your going to go and find out if they have a train or bus that takes you to the city or close enough to your hotel/hostel.
One of the best things to do while your traveling around Europe is to bring a backpack instead of a suitcase, makes things a lot easier when going through the airport and you can be in and out of the airport in no time and off exploring. If your staying in a hostel make sure to bring a key lock to secure your items in the lockers or trunk that they provide. You don't want to be carrying your bag all the time while your out there and you want to make sure you don't look so much like a tourist. Just bring the essentials, a small map, your camera, wallet/purse, and your mobile phone. These are just the bear basics that you'll need when your getting around town and visiting the sights the less things you have the easier it is to move around and not get bogged down in weight.
Now your ready to go out enjoy your time in Europe because you prepared for the awesome adventure out ahead of you.